Art changes lives : it changed mine…Please share…Just Be… Now…

This is a story of a girl/ woman that grew up in the Roman city of  7 -hilled PlovdivBG who came to GB just over 15 years  in search of herself…that did not know what she wanted…she stettled in London first…

By a consequence of events now she is studying at Bath Spa University doing a MA in Fine Art ……

From  obtaining the ground breaking degree (Agroecology) she managed to bridge the space to the inspiring  heavenly sent Fine ART..

She was Brave, She was Smart …She just wants a better world for herself first and then her husband, her boys, her parents, her friends and everybody else who has feelings, thoughts, senses…


This is Me. MY name is Elena and I just want to Be – a better being, a better mother, a better daughter…

Like my 6 years old Leo would say, ” IS that the best you could Do, Mamo?

This is is it My Dearest Leo and Alex…This is it…The Lightness of Being… the story of my life…Now



This is my raw production of a moment that happened to Be in the Walcot Chapel in Bath…last week


It is a moving image with a moving camera in a moving world with a moving body..

Thank you so much friends – known and unknown that help me along the way..

I bow in front of you and ask for nothing else but to share my story to everyone just start with yourself and than your family and friends and then the world ..from that tiny drop of my tear that feels as heavy as the ocean ..Act now… Do your bit, Start that Battle with yourself and We will Win… the war on fear…Not tomorrow not in a bit… FAce your Fears…Just Be


Please share if you can….and Thank you..Do it gently…

About the author:

Elena Hutchcroft

One comment

  1. Thank you very much, Eli, for sharing with us. I love your idea that there is no Future which is separate from the Now… What happens NOW is only a step to the Future. We should be feeling and sensing the moment as then we can pre-sense the Future. Now is only one of the many faces of the Future.


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